General Rules
No Advertising No forms of advertisement or promotion of websites is allowed.

No Multiple Accounts You are allowed one account only. No Porn Content.

Breaking this rule will result in a permanently ban for all accounts.

No Leaking Content Leaking content from DL to other sites is not allowed and highly discouraged.
Doing this will result in a ban.

No Malicious Programs if you are caught spreading anything malicious
you will be permanently banned from our forum.

Don't ask for likes / thank$ Asking for thank$ in threads, posts, or in your signature is not allowed and unnecessary.

No disrespecting staff members They are volunteers and work hard to make DL a better place.

If you believe you have been wronged by staff, contact.

Fully copied content is not allowed to post.

Do not Spam
Spamming to try to get your post count up, or for any other reason, can result in your posts getting deleted and an infraction or ban.

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